LC Quiz

Terimakasih buat LC-ers yang sudah belajar bareng @kampunginggrislc, semoga ilmu yang sudah didapatkan bisa menjadi ilmu yang bermanfaat yaa...

Jangan pelit guys, share juga materi yang kamu dapat ke temen-temen kamu.. Jangan pintar sendirian sob, pintar bareng temen lebih asyik lho!!

Sudah saatnya nih kita evalusi materi mingguan yang ada di feed Instagram LC.. Yuk langsung aja kerjakan kuis nya... Mimin yakin kalian bisa!!

I … taken a bath

They have been to New Zealand, Australia and many …. countries.

How to pronounce the word "flour"?

I have learned my lessons and will never do that again! What is "I have learned my lessons" mean?

The city of Montreal ….. on an island in the Saint Lawrence River.

You are so weak. What is the slang for the word "weak"?

Anna is a careless person. What is the slang for the word "careless"?

I feel sorry for you because he left youfor someone else. What is "feel sorry for" mean?

We … the best time on New Year's Eve

What is the abbreviation (singkatan) of the word "Vacation"?

Vegetables are an excellent source ….. vitamins.

Which of the following options that has the best translation of "Jadwal Pelajaran"?

He has two brothers. One is tall and handsome and ….. is short and unattractive.

What does HBU stand for?

Ask me ….. question if you want. I know all the answers.

Microscopes make small things appear larger than …

What is the abbreviation (singkatan) of the word "Husband"?

I would like ….. coffee, please.

What is the English translation of "Plat Nomor"?

What is the best translation of "turn over a new leaf"?

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