
Terimakasih buat LC’ers semuanya yang sudah belajar bersama bareng @kampunginggrislc dan sudah share materi ke temen-temen lainnya, semoga ilmu yang minca share bisa bermanfaat ya, Aamiin..

Oh iya, udah hari Sabtu nih, waktunya kita quiz mingguan untuk evaluasi materi selama 1 Minggu ini..

Materinya udah ada di feed semua ya, yang belum belajar bisa visit dulu Instagram @kampunginggrislc ya!!

Lanjut ngerjain quiznya yuk, ah tenang jangan tegang quiznya nggak susah kok.


1 / 20

How to pronounce “popcorn” the right way?

2 / 20

How to pronounce “salon” the right way?

3 / 20

I was waiting … you

4 / 20

What is the meaning of “dissipate”?

5 / 20

What is the best advanced version of this sentence “He put us in a difficult situation”?

6 / 20

How to pronounce “police” the right way?

7 / 20

Which letter from the word “column” that needs to be silent?

8 / 20

What is the meaning of “ingratiate”?

9 / 20

What is the best advanced version of this sentence “I’m going to enter”?

10 / 20

Which one of the following option that has the same meaning with “sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga”?

11 / 20

What is the best translation of “terpesona”?

12 / 20

What is the best advanced version of this sentence “Can you stop talking”?

13 / 20

What is the best advanced version of this sentence “I’m going to read”?

14 / 20

He … meet you

15 / 20

From the following sentence, which one is not correct? “I have interesting gossips for you”

16 / 20

Which letter from the word “double” that needs to be silent?

17 / 20

What is the English translation of “Duda”?

18 / 20

When you have fiancee, it means that you are…

19 / 20

Which letter from the word “theory” that needs to be silent?

20 / 20

Which one of the following option that has the same meaning with “nasi sudah menjadi bubur”?

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