It's Quiz Time!

Selamat Pagi dan Semangat Pagi, LCers tersayang!

Pagi ini kita ngerjain quiz dulu yuk bareng-bareng buat cek kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu.

Jangan khawatir!!! Soalnya gampang banget kok.

Minca yakin kamu pasti bisa...Okay! Let's check!!

1 / 20

What is the best English translation of "Keponakan perempuan"?

2 / 20

Which one from the following options that has the meaning of "minggir"?

3 / 20

A person who cuts and trims hair according to clients' instructions

4 / 20

How to say "Aku salah sambung"?

5 / 20

How to pronounce word "sneak"?

6 / 20

A person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men's clothing

7 / 20

What is the best English translation of "Menantu laki-laki"?

8 / 20

Which one from the following options that has the meaning of "geser"?

9 / 20

What is the best English translation of "Ibu mertua"?

10 / 20

What is the best translation of "drive-thru"?

11 / 20

I broke my bike. Would you please … the wheels?

12 / 20

A person who designs structures such as houses, apartment complexes, shopping centers, and other buildings

13 / 20

What is the best English translation of "Mengaduk"?

14 / 20

From the following option, which one is not the synonym of "Funny"?

15 / 20

A person who manages farms, ranches, greenhouses, nurseries, and other agricultural production organizations

16 / 20

What is the best English translation of "nggak tega"?

17 / 20

What is the best translation of "barcode"?

18 / 20

What is the best English translation of "Sepupu"?

19 / 20

What is the best translation of "take home pay"?

20 / 20

What is the best English translation of "sungkan"?

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