Uji keterampilan berbahasa Inggris kamu. Sepenuhnya GRATIS!

Kampung Inggris LC akan menuntunmu dalam menguasai bahasa Inggris secara Intensive dan ter-Integrasi!

1 / 20

He was going to ask her on a date, but he ___ on the last minute

2 / 20

He needs to work harder if he want to marry her, because she demands a good ___

3 / 20

What is the meaning of "split the bill"?

4 / 20

What is the best translation for "uang receh"?

5 / 20

From the following options, which one has the same meaning with the word "petite"?

6 / 20

What is the meaning of "exhausted"?

7 / 20

From the following options, which one has the same meaning with the word "massive"?

8 / 20

What is the meaning of "party pooper"?

9 / 20

What is the formal way to say "start"?

10 / 20

From the following options, which one is the capital city of Australia?

11 / 20

What is the best translation for "pegang janjiku"?

12 / 20

What is the best translation for "berfoya-foya"?

13 / 20

What is the formal way to say "tell"?

14 / 20

What is the best translation for "daun kemangi"?

15 / 20

From the following options, which one has the same meaning with the word "familiar"?

16 / 20

From the following options, which one has the same meaning with the word "basic"?

17 / 20

The student will have to pay ___ to get into the university

18 / 20

From the following options, which one is the capital city of Greece?

19 / 20

What is the meaning of "spill the tea"?

20 / 20

What is the infromal way to say "select"?

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