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1 / 20

Which one of the following sentence is wrong?

I am afraid from spider

2 / 20

Which one is not the synonym of the word NEW?

3 / 20

Which one is the synonym of the word BUSY?

4 / 20

How to pronounce "asked"?

5 / 20

What is the synonym of the word "lit"?

6 / 20

What year did you ____ University?

7 / 20

Which one is the synonym of the word ESCAPE?

8 / 20

It could be that you have a head____ because you don’t drink enough water

9 / 20

How to read this year in English: 1987

10 / 20

What is the Indonesian translation of "coy"?

11 / 20

I ____ living in this town since 1997.

12 / 20

What is the English Translation of "kejepit"?

13 / 20

Brenda suffers from memory ____ because of the accident

14 / 20

What is the English Translation of "cakar"?

15 / 20

Don’t ____ yourself by falling in love with me

16 / 20

How to pronounce "peak"?

17 / 20

I have a ____ group, and we are all at the same age

18 / 20

I can’t come to school today because I feel ____

19 / 20

How to pronounce "poor"?

20 / 20

He always ____ his pen after returning from school